Gen 1 Round - Starlink Roof Mount And Accessories

Compatible Starlink Roof Mount And Accessories

Compatible Starlink Mounts and Adapters

Our custom machined Starlink Roof Mount won't void your warranty and protects your investment.

We also have custom aluminium base mounting plates that are lightweight and won't rust.

Why Choose our Starlink Tin Roof Mount or a Starlink Installer who uses our mounts?

Starlink comes with self-installer kits which are super easy to install. Its quick setup will help users to test their connection. Users need to download the Starlink Install app to explore the best install location to place and mount.

At SpaceTek's Starlink Shop, you can order additional mounts, Starlink Adapters, and accessories to best locate and mount your Stralink broadband equipment and maximise performance.

Our solutions can handle different temperatures and weather conditions and help your Starlink Dishy from thermal shutdown on hot days. Whether it is hot, pouring raining, or gale-force winds, it can resist any condition.

Want to best protect your Starlink investment and maximise performance? Order our Starlink Adapter or Starlink Mount Kit today.


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Fantastic service. Great customer support. Well engineered brackets. Easy assembly for G1/2 starlinks. Cost effect. Overall 5/5

- Jayden B