Starlink Mounts and Adapters

Starlink Roof Mount And Adapters

Compatible Starlink Mounts and Adapters

Our custom machined Starlink Roof Mount won't void your warranty and protects your investment.

We also have custom aluminium base mounting plates that are lightweight and won't rust.

Why Choose our Starlink Tin Roof Mount or a Starlink Installer who uses our mounts?

Starlink comes with self-installer kits which are super easy to install. Its quick setup will help users to test their connection. Users need to download the Starlink Install app to explore the best install location to place and mount.

At SpaceTek's Starlink Shop, you can order additional mounts, Starlink Adapters, and accessories to best locate and mount your Stralink broadband equipment and maximise performance.

Our solutions can handle different temperatures and weather conditions and help your Starlink Dishy from thermal shutdown on hot days. Whether it is hot, pouring raining, or gale-force winds, it can resist any condition.

Want to best protect your Starlink investment and maximise performance? Order our Starlink Adapter or Starlink Mount Kit today.


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26 products

Heavy Duty Starlink Mast Adapter for Dishy Australian MadeHeavy Duty Starlink Mast Adapter for Dishy Australian Made
Starlink Dishy Mast AdapterDishy Mast Adapter
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Tin Roof - Starlink Mount Roof Kit for Dishy - Rectangle Gen 2Tin Roof - Starlink Mount Roof Kit for Dishy - Rectangle Gen 2
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Heavy Duty Base Plate (400mm) - With M8 Nut & BoltHeavy Duty Base Plate (400mm) - With M8 Nut & Bolt
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Heavy Duty Starlink Dishy Mast Adapter Gen 2 - Made In AustraliaHeavy Duty Starlink Dishy Mast Adapter Gen 2 - Made In Australia
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Starlink Roof Mount - Ridge Cap Mount - Gen 2Starlink Roof Mount - Ridge Cap Mount - Gen 2
Mounting HardwareMounting Hardware
Mounting Hardware Sale priceFrom $8.00
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Starlink Atco / Demountable / Site Hut Wall Mount - Gen 2 RectangleStarlink Atco / Demountable / Site Hut Wall Mount - Gen 2 Rectangle
Tile Roof - Starlink Mount Roof Kit for Dishy - Rectangle Gen 2Tile Roof - Starlink Mount Roof Kit for Dishy - Rectangle Gen 2
Roof Mount for Starlink - Wall / Eave Mount - Gen 2Roof Mount for Starlink - Wall / Eave Mount - Gen 2
5 Port Gigabit Switch for use with Starlink
Starlink Ethernet Adapter Official
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Starlink Mesh WiFi Router Extender for Gen 2 (Official)Starlink Mesh WiFi Router Extender for Gen 2 (Official)
Save $73.00
6 X Heavy Duty Base Plate (400mm) - With M8 Nut & Bolt6 X Heavy Duty Base Plate (400mm) - With M8 Nut & Bolt
6 X Heavy Duty Base Plate (400mm) - With M8 Nut & Bolt Sale price$113.00 Regular price$186.00
Starlink Mast Adapter for Dishy - Round Gen 1Starlink Mast Adapter for Dishy - Round Gen 1
Sold out
Tin Roof - Starlink Mount Roof Kit for Dishy - Round Dish Gen 1Tin Roof - Starlink Mount Roof Kit for Dishy - Round Dish Gen 1
Sold out
Tile Roof - Starlink Mount Roof Kit for Dishy - Round Dish Gen 1Tile Roof - Starlink Mount Roof Kit for Dishy
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RJ45 Recessed Data Socket for StarlinkRJ45 Recessed Data Socket for Starlink
Caravan RV - RJ45 Recessed Data Socket for Starlink With Backing PlateCaravan RV - RJ45 Recessed Data Socket for Starlink With Backing Plate
Starlink Flat High Performance Pole Adapter - BasicStarlink Flat High Performance Pole Adapter - Basic
Starlink Flat High Performance Pole Adapter - AdvancedStarlink Flat High Performance Pole Adapter - Advanced
Lite Duty Starlink Mast Adapter for Dishy Taiwan Made- Rectangle Gen 2

My son in law left a phone message to Spacetek Mildura on Boxing Day. His call was returned that day and our order received a few days after that. Excellent service

- Heather G